22 Jul Why have a pump control panel.
I often get asked about control panels and “what’s the point”? If you have a dual pump set up and both pumps have built in float switches, one pump will always do a majority of the work. This means it will wear out quicker while the other unit will slowly seize up through no work. When the “working pump” eventually fails, it will short out and take out the power supply feeding both pumps. You wont know about this until the place starts to flood, or even worse, your basement fills up with water. If you DO have a control panel, there are float switches independent of both pumps. The pumps will alternate in duty. Strangely enough, the pumps will also last more than twice as long. Should one pump fail, the inbuild breaker for that pump will trip out, leaving the main supply operating, and the working pump in operation. An alarm will sound, giving warning of an issue. This allows timely repairs to be carried out of the pump system. Ask us today about a cracker deal on the latest control panel with a super reliable solid state digital microcomputer, waterproof touch panel buttons, easy to see indicators that show what’s happening, and a rugged heavy duty cabinet (complete with locking door).
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